Remote Office


Reposition office communications, data stores, and localized resources to the cloud for disaster fail-over and secure, anytime, anywhere access.


Open Office ConceptIS HISTORY

In-house only workspaces will fatigue the bottom line

Traffic in Heavy RainUNDER THE WEATHER

There are many reasons why employees are late to work or need to take a personal day without advanced notice. Inclement weather, traffic jams, sick children, car troubles, or bad hair can negatively impact our business. The most common solutions are to overburden the punctual with extra work, limit output capacity, or compromise our service quality. While our operational requirements are ongoing, so are the excuses that will impede progress.


Humans are finicky creatures. We get hungry and thirsty but rarely at the same time. Our emotions and our bladder control us. We need to socialize and to be left alone. We dislike change, yet we’re unsatisfied with the status quo. We will, however, adapt to our current surroundings and get stuff done, even while we’re daydreaming about greener grass because we are experienced professionals, after all.

Digital Blueprints

Employees need space and resources to perform their work, not to mention utilities, parking, break rooms, and coffee. As our business expands, our physical infrastructure will also and that unit cost supplements loaded salaries (wages, training, taxes, benefits, insurance, supplies, and more), which increase our overhead nut. Don’t even get me started on the expense of liability insurance and regulatory compliance for in-house staff.

Corona Virus Lockdown
PLAN B(ackup) 

As business leaders, it’s our job to prepare for the inevitably unexpected. Redundant technology protects our data. Redundant systems protect our property. Redundant staff protects our progress. Redundant portfolios protect our investments. We even employ redundant procedures to protect our assets. Yet sometimes all hell breaks loose, and we get blindsided.
Redundancy is real-time disaster protection against just about any conceivable threat we might face. But what good is this insurance policy when we can’t get into the office?


Virtual Office


When, where, and how we work will influence the results of it.

Flex Time Clock

Today’s most successful people have realized how priceless time is and that doing more in less of it is the secret to a healthy, balanced life. We each have distinct, internal, attentiveness clocks that dictate when our mind can concentrate the most. Having the freedom to work when our brain is most productive and to take breaks when it’s not, can harness our best potential.

Working Outside

Business happens anytime, anywhere. On the golf course, at the gym, in the car, during dinner, over drinks, and occasionally around the office. We are primed for peak performance when we are in our emotional element. It’s easier to do a deal, make important decisions, complete tasks, and fulfill our responsibilities in an environment that accommodates our ever-changing mood.

Black Man Working From Home


Distractions are all around us, but how we deal them is as unique to our personality as our fingerprints are to our identity. Some people tap into their creativity with background music while some write in silence. Some prefer a cushy office chair, yet others prosper on a core ball. Some are mindful of feng shui, and others meditate in their messiness. When our workspace is comfortable, our headspace can center on the task at hand.

Colocation Contingency

PLAN C(olocation)

Almost everything we can do in the office can be done virtually from anywhere. Interoffice communications can seamlessly extend globally to cell phones, home landlines, and online platforms like Skype and Google Voice. Video conferencing is quickly replacing BOARDroom meetings. Computers and smart-devices authorized to access our data can do so on or off-premise. And since the applications we use to perform our daily work are portable, shouldn’t our employees be also?
“Prepare your work outside; get everything ready for yourself in the field, and after that, build your house.”
~ Proverbs 24:27 ~
By reducing the stress and strain of time-sucks like traffic, long meetings, and inter-office distractions, we can increase the quantity and quality of our productivity.


Reserve a time to call

To do more, in less time, with less overhead and expense.


Workplace Colocation gives us the flexibility to strengthen our core (capabilities) and stretch beyond our (capacity) limitations. Over time, we will improve our ability to balance the weight of our ambition and counter whatever impedes us from achieving it. My involvement, to assist in the success of your mission, would be through:


  1. Learning the future goals and foreseeable challenges of your mission
  2. Reviewing the general patterns and processes of departmental workflows
  3. Assessing the requirements and capabilities of your technical infrastructure
  4. Surveying the internal culture and external ecosystem of your institution


  1. Reporting our analysis and interpretation to verify overall comprehension
  2. Qualifying our knowledge and experience relative to your scope of expectation
  3. Researching the best cloud products and services to align with objectives
  4. Proposing a cooperative solutions blueprint with phased milestones and deadlines


  1. Screening potential outsourced partners and SaaS platforms
  2. Mediating vendor relationships to maximize efficiency and ongoing support
  3. Facilitating productive virtual meetings and collaborative brainstorming sessions
  4. Managing the progress and accountability of internal and external teams


  1. Administrating solutions implementation and employee transition
  2. Establishing policy addendums and revised procedural documentation
  3. Mentoring principle staff on how to utilize new tools and systems effectively
  4. Evaluating results and making potential next-step recommendations

Swipe Yes To Connect


In the past twenty (20) years, I’ve had the privilege to help countless businesses exceed expectations by simplifying problems into two key elements, psychology and tech-knowledgy. As an outside consultant, I’m able to see the bigger picture from an unbiased perspective and efficiently support your teams’ ability to achieve success.

It’s all about building relationships, and the best way to do that is with a casual introduction.

Let's Talk